Greetings CrossTrain family! Well, we’ve done it. For those just beginning to join us, we in Family Ministry are using this platform as an opportunity to guide our families through scripture memorization and we are seeking to provide resources to families to guide their children and families as a whole in biblical discussions so that we can all learn to see the world through the lens of scripture which is our sole infallible source of truth and all that we need for life and godliness. This is our 11th post and we have thus far been able to learn what the Bible has to say in regards to what scripture is, who God is, who we are as image-bearers of God, and sin. This is our final segment in which we will focus on what the Bible has to say about sin and the human heart. Our hope and prayer is that families will invest time together learning these verses and storing them in our heart so that we can raise our families to have a firm, biblical grasp of the Gospel. In the process, we are confident our eyes will be opened to why we even have the struggles within our own home and lives and that we will see what God has done to solve this problem of sin.
Like you, it does seem like a long time that we have spent memorizing scripture speaking of the wretchedness our hearts and how sin has marred the entire world. It’s a heavy subject, especially in times as these. Sin, however, is clearly the reason we see the ugliness around us. These are excellent opportunities to discuss with our children that the reason there is death, the reason there is sickness and pain, the reason there is brokenness and emptiness and sadness is all because of sin. God is not surprised by it, and He has had a single plan from before this all was created to solve this problem we have. We are not without hope! Our God saves sinners. First though, we must know that we are sinners in need of the Savior.
“And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience — among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.” Ephesians 2:1-3
Why this verse? Possibly better than any other portion of the Bible, this verse clearly paints the true picture of the condition of all mankind. From birth and before Jesus saves us, we are stone cold dead because of sin. We follow after Satan. We do this willingly and we do what comes naturally to us. Just as a lion naturally eats a gazelle instead of carrots and a rabbit eats carrots rather than a gazelle, the person dead in sin from birth naturally sins and seeks after the world. Nothing coerces them and they don’t have to be told how to do it. You will not see a lion eat carrots or a rabbit eat a gazelle. Just the same, you will not see a person dead in their sins seek God. God must make us into a new creation…
If the world is dead in sin, sons of disobedience, and children of wrath, then wouldn’t we expect to see evil in the world? Wouldn’t we expect to see grief, death, rebellion, anger and everything else? Apart from Jesus, we cannot do anything truly good. And for those of us in Christ, we were just the same as all the world. We are not the smallest bit different until God makes us into that new creation. Until God takes us from death to life. Until God saves us. We will dive DEEP into this GLORIOUS truth very soon, but this is our only hope…JESUS.
Questions Ephesians 2:1-3 can answer:
How would you describe a person’s heart before Jesus?
Do we naturally want God?
How do we learn to sin?
Who is dead because of sin?
THANK YOU to everyone who is taking time to discuss these truths with their family. The impact it will have is tremendous and will prepare our children to be sent out into the world, to be firm in their understanding of the Gospel, to know what they believe, and why they believe it, and to be used to go and get God’s sheep. Our primary purpose as parents is to raise our children in the knowledge, fear, and admonition of the Lord; that they may cling to the good news of the Gospel. For THE GOSPEL IS THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION! If you have not yet begun, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE, and there is much grace. We love you all very much, church. Be encouraged that Jesus has finished the work that we could never do. We pray that all our families would be blessed by discussions this week and that our eyes may be opened more to who God is and what He has done. We pray for peace, unity, and joy as we study his word and speak of His goodness.
Until next time, may God richly bless you by the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ!
In Christ,
Adam and Audra Griffin
Family Ministries