What to
What's so special about CrossTrain Church?
The moment you walk through our doors you'll realize we aren't like anything you've encountered before! Here's why...

The FRamily of God - multigenerational faithfulness
At CrossTrain, we believe that the “family” is God’s primary redemptive plan for His children so we value those things that promote a familial-feel — what we call FRamily, or friends taht are family. Why? In a phrase...
The family of God is exactly that — a family. Brother and sister are not just 'Christianese slang terms' but literally what Christ meant (Mark 3:31–35). Because of this, we hold high the TOGETHERNESS of the church gathered. We value the unique giftedness and unity that the Holy Spirit brings together when God's people gather. We give room for everyone to be a participant, and not simply a spectator. Come to any of our gathered times and you'll see for yourself.
We also believe very strongly that it is God’s call on parents to shepherd, equip, and disciple their children. (Deut 6:4-9; Eph 6:1-4). The church is to come alongside parents and provide resources and opportunities to help foster that God-given charge.
How does Multigenerational Faithfulness display itself at CrossTrain?
We demonstrate this priority in our philosophy by developing programs that strengthen families, not fragment them, as we promote entering into God's mission as a family. This means we will endeavor to have children and adults together as much as possible to foster the biblical principles found in 2 Tim 1-2 and Titus 2.
For example, children of any age are always welcome in corporate worship! We strongly believe that the best place for children is next to their parents. This philosophy of ministry is also why we have structured our other gathered times the way we have. We try to avoid using set, arbitrary age limits for participation in certain groups. Age segregation, though not necessarily unbiblical, is at best an “extra-biblical” model that often weakens family dynamics in the family of God.
How do I know where and how my children fit in?
Because multigenerational faithfulness is the philosophy of CrossTrain, we believe that it is primarily a parent’s call as to where and how their children fit best. In any setting, the parent should be active participants with their children as they help them mature in their faith.
How can I learn more about how to shepherd my family toward this model?
First, talk to one of the leaders or their wives and let them know about your desire to learn more about this. They have a heart to see people grow in this area and will have information about upcoming opportunities to help you develop in this arena. If you have not been through the Parent Commissioning material yet, fill out a Connect Card or email the church and let us know you are interested in it.
What are some basic suggestions to help my children participate in this
Multigenerational Model?
1. Be prepared and excited about Sunday!
Be excited for church. If you are reluctant, they will be too. If you are critical of the sermon or the music, they will be too. To make Sunday easier, wake up earlier so you can get ready and then help them get ready. Remember, Sunday morning starts on Saturday night. Lay out everything you need on Saturday night. Keep Sunday morning simple! Make a simple breakfast and leave the house with time to spare. Also, be sure to remind your child they are
participants with you, and should act like it, during the service.
2. Talk through the service before it starts.
Read the passage during the week. Talk about what you are learning on Sundays throughout the week. Implementing family worship together at home [a time to read, sing, pray] will help them get used to it on Sunday.
3. Encourage your child to participate and to focus on God.
By teaching your child songs at home, they will be better able to participate in the service. Encourage your child to sit and stand at the appropriate times, to clap when appropriate, etc. Start early; believe it or not, it is easier to introduce a 3 year old to corporate worship than a 12 year old. Teach them early that worship is about God, not about them.
4. Help your child become an active listener.
Help your child focus on the sermon by quietly whispering instructions, - i.e. “Listen to this story,” or “Can you draw a picture of…?” As your child gets older and learns to write, model for them on how to take simple notes. The Kid’s Bulletin is a great resource. Grab one for yourself so you can assist them. Use transition moments in the service to engage your child.
5. Stretch your young child’s ability to sit attentively.
Sit near the front to help them not be distracted. If you have an active child, you may need to work on sitting still at home. Using a short time each day for sitting quietly and reading books can be very helpful in training young children to use self-control and increase focusing skills.
6. Talk about the service on the way home and/or at lunch.
Affirm your children. If they were well behaved, let them know how wonderful it was to worship alongside them. Speak positively with your child about the service, and ask if they have any questions. Encourage your child to share their drawing and notes and what was learned. Discuss what you learned as well. Use the Daily Readings and In the Word Today as a resource for family discussions during the week to help them make connections.
Why are we “going to all this trouble” about Multigenerational Faithfulness?
We understand that this is not a doctrine in the Bible but a philosophy of ministry. We also never want to forget that the desired outcome isn’t to have well behaved kids. It is about discipling children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is about helping the next generation understand that life isn’t about them, but about God. Multigenerational faithfulness is about fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) as we make disciples in the parent-to-child model that was God’s plan from the beginning. Our war isn’t against flesh and blood (Eph 6:12). But make no mistake! It is a war for our children’s souls. That is worth all the trouble in the world.
Further Questions?
If you have additional questions or need more information please speak to one of the leaders of the church, fill out a Connect Card and place it in the Offering Box, or email us at info@crosstrain.church.

Getting into the Word & the Word into you!
THIS IS BASIC TRAINING for every Disciple of Christ!
The daily DISCIPLINE of being in God’s Word is the most important thing a disciple of Christ can practice if they wish to follow hard after God and grow as a Christian. We all HAVE the time – we each get 24 hours a day or 168 hours a week. The only question is, will we MAKE the time? If you spend 15 minutes a day reading, reflecting & responding to the Word of God, you will have ‘sacrificed’ just 1% of your time but be well on your way to developing a LIFE CHANGING DISCIPLINE essential to being a true Follower of Christ! The Word of God is our foundation and contains everything we need to live in godliness. Whether you want to know Him more completely, love Him more deeply, grow in maturity, become a better husband, wife, father,
mother, disciple, servant-leader, or model of Jesus, “We cannot succeed apart from the Word of God because the Word of God reveals the God of the Word.” – Spurgeon
This is NOT BIBLE STUDY. This is LETTING the Word study YOU!
Some basic truths to remember about THE Truth:
Jesus is the Word [John 1:1,14].
The Gospel is the message of the Bible [1 Corinthians 15:3-4].
His Word changes us [Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16].
God rewards those who meditate on the Word [Psalm 1:1-3, Joshua 1:8].
Some basic suggestions to make the most of your time:
Have a PLAN – know what you are reading next.
Have a PLACE – set a time and place where you can focus well.
Be PATIENT – tuning your heart’s ear to God’s voice takes time.
Share the BLESSING – tell someone what He spoke to your heart.
Read the Daily Reading or some preplanned passage
If we truly believe the Word to be living and active,
we should expect it to speak to us.
Here are some ideas to help get it down deep into your soul
and take it with you throughout the day.
Ask God to give you a hunger and open your eyes for His Word.
Read the Word you scheduled expecting it to speak to you.
Choose the verse(s) that stood out to you and write it out.
Reflect by asking these simple questions about those verses
What does God want me to see? OR What does it say?
What does God want me to know? OR What does it mean?
What does God want me to do? OR How does it apply?
Respond to what the Lord is saying to you
by talking to God about it in prayer, recording it in your journal, and then sharing it with someone else.
Come up with a summarizing theme or “Title” for your entry.
DON’T SKIP THIS STEP as tempting as that may be!
Write down the reflections that came to you from working through the above SEE|KNOW|DO process.
Review what God spoke to you that day
Come up with creative ways to carry it with you throughout the day. For example:
Take a picture of you journal entry with your phone.
Text the passage to yourself as well as a discipleship partner.
Write your theme and response on a sticky note or 3x5 card.
Discuss the passage during the day. This could be in a group text, in a D-Group, around the dinner table, or in all of the above. The Holy Spirit will guide each conversation differently as
you share with others what the Lord shared with you.

At CrossTrain Church, we celebrate communion almost every Sunday. It is an especially sweet time for us individually and collectively to remember, reflect, and pray together as we celebrate that our debt has been canceled and our sins forgiven by the Sacrificial Lamb of God. It is a
centerpiece to our gathered spiritual service of worship.
What is Communion?
Often called “The Lord’s Supper,” is a memorial in which Christians identify with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and proclaim His death until His return (1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:20-26). It’s a time for believers to remember that the Lord gave His body and shed His blood for His sheep (Luke 22:19-20).
How did Communion get started?
Jesus instituted Communion on the eve of His death as He ate the Passover with His disciples (Matt 26:26-29; Mk 14:22:14-20; 1 Cor 11:23-26).
What is the meaning and symbolism of Communion?
The bread symbolizes Christ’s life lived as a model to follow and given as a ransom for many, ultimately broken for the sins we have committed. The juice symbolizes His blood which was shed for us as payment for sin (John 10:17-18; Ephesians 1:7; Rm 5:8-9). It is the atonement for sin (Leviticus 17:11).
What are the essentials for observing Communion?
Anyone who has placed his or her faith in the Lord Jesus can and should participate in Communion. We should prepare our hearts to participate in the Lord’s Supper, examining our lives for any unconfessed sin. Communion celebrates the victory that His suffering brought to us.
Can children participate in Communion?
The Bible does not specify how old a person should be before celebrating Communion. If a child understands and believes in the Gospel, he or she can partake of the elements. Jesus invited children into His presence regularly (Matthew 19:14). We strongly encourage parents to use the time that they are gathered at the Lord’s Table to gather as a family and pray, even if each child does not yet fully participate in communion. It is a great opportunity to discuss God’s plan of salvation with your children. Ultimately, it is the call of the parents, who we believe God calls to be their shepherds, how to best honor communion as a family.
What is the past significance of Communion?
Communion is a time to look back, remembering the Lord’s death on the cross. His death was more than just an atoning death—it was a substitutional death. The cross of Christ was a transaction, not an offer (John 19:30). Christ died in our place so that we might live. He took our
sins upon Himself so that we can receive His righteousness (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). He canceled the debt on His cross (Colossians 2:14).
What is the present significance of Communion?
Communion is a time to look within, considering our lives in light of our profession of faith. As we enter into Communion, we are to thank Him for our salvation and the privilege of being His child. We are to proclaim His death on our behalf and look with anticipation for His return.
How is Communion celebrated at CrossTrain?
We celebrate Communion almost every Sunday as part of our worship to our Lord. It is a time to respond to the message from God’s Word and reflect on the grace of our God. Sometimes a leader and his wife will hold the bread and the cup of juice as individuals and families come forward and are prayed for and partake in smaller groups. Other times trays are passed and we partake simultaneously as an entire church family.
Why do we celebrate Communion this way?
We do not believe there is something “super spiritual” about those serving Communion. It is a privilege for the leaders who shepherd our flock to be allowed this opportunity to pray for and with those in our church both individually and as families. If there are specific prayer needs, hurts, or concerns, this is a sweet time to gather with the leadership of the church and lift those up to our Lord. We also see great value in taking Communion collectively as an entire faith family.
Further Questions?
If you have additional questions, need more information, or are not sure that you are truly a follower of Christ, please speak to one of the leaders of the church, fill out a Connect Card and place it in the Offering Box, or email us at info@crosstrain.church.

At CrossTrain Church, baptisms are a great time of celebration where testimonies of God’s faithfulness are shared and the power of Christ is proclaimed. It is a joyous time where the church family gets to hear about lives that have been changed, and eternities secured, by the power of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is meant to be a faith-family affair!
What is Water Baptism?
Water baptism is not a personal choice, but a command for believers. Jesus established water baptism as an ordinance when He gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16). It is an act of obedience for the regenerate, not a regenerating work of salvation.
Water baptism is a public, outward testimony that indicates a personal, inward faith. It publicly identifies the believer with the message of the Gospel, the Person of Jesus Christ, and with other
Is Water Baptism necessary for salvation?
The Bible clearly teaches that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone, in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9) and according to God’s mercy (Titus 3:5). The thief on the cross next to Jesus had no time to be baptized, yet Jesus promised that he would be with Him in Paradise that day (Luke 23:43). To believe that baptism is necessary for salvation is to believe in “works righteousness” and to go against scripture. The Bible contains no record of Jesus baptizing anyone—a strange omission if baptism was essential for salvation. The Apostle Paul declared, “For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel…” (1 Corinthians 1:17). This clearly indicates that salvation is a response of faith to the Gospel—not the act of baptism. Therefore,
water baptism is not an act of salvation, but an act of obedience.
Why should we be baptized?
We are to be baptized because Jesus Christ commanded it (Matthew 28:19), and because we love the Lord. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Throughout the book of Acts, we read how the early church gave importance to water baptism (see Acts 2:41; 8:12, 38; 9:18; 10:47-48; 16:15, 33; 19:3-5).
Who should be Baptized?
All born-again believers in Jesus Christ—and only believers—should be baptized (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 8:12, 36-38: 16:31-33; 18:8).
Should infants and children be baptized?
After Peter spoke at Pentecost, “those who gladly received his word (in its entirety) were baptized” (Acts 2:41). In light of Scripture, infant baptism must be ruled out, because infants cannot receive the Word of God and understand it. In the New Testament, every instance in which a person was baptized and his or her identity was given, that person was of a mature age. Children may be baptized if they receive and understand that God’s Word says that they are sinners in need of a Savior and have come to that saving knowledge of the grace of God. We commit to work with the parents of a child to, together, determine the most God-glorifying time for this momentous occasion.
How can I be baptized at CrossTrain Church?
If you are a follower of Christ and have never been baptized since you have come to a savingknowledge of grace found in the Word, we would love for that to happen at CrossTrain Church. We have baptism celebrations as the need arises. We have a short application we ask
you to complete that helps you prepare to share your testimony – your God Story of how Jesus came into your life, and how He impacts your walk today. Please let us know if you are interested by contacting us in one of the ways listed below.
Further Questions?
If you have additional questions, need more information, would like to be baptized, or are not sure that you are truly a follower of Christ, please speak to one of the leaders of the church, fill out a Connect Card, mark Baptism and place it in the Offering Box, or email us at info@crosstrain.church.

Everyone a Participant
Not sure how to participate and serve the Body?
Click the PDF for an assessment that can help you discover your spiritual gifting.
Areas to Serve at CrossTrain:
CrossTrain Family Ministry exists to reveal the glory of God through strong and courageous families standing together with their church family to engage in God’s mission through family
Help with weekly Kid’s Bulletin & other activities, plan familyfun day events, disciple young and expecting parents
Contact: Adam Griffin adam.g@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Hospitality Ministry exists to reveal the glory of God by showing genuine love to people through serving them and making them feel they have been touched by God because they’ve been with God’s people.
Setup hospitality tables before service and invite new visitors to enjoy refreshments and beverages, help facilitate serving food for Fellowship Sundays, prepare elements for communion, clean up/put away items after service
Contact: Elba Martinez elba.m@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Finance Ministry exists to reveal the glory of God by accounting for God’s blessings poured out through God’s people with sound stewardship of those blessings as they are used in ministry for His kingdom.
Help with the weekly offering, financial counseling
Contact: RJ Kee rj.k@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Connect Ministry exists to reveal the glory of God through/by/in being ambassadors for God, welcoming all into His presence to hear His word.
Welcome visitors, helping them feel at home, hand out bulletins, introduce new visitors to others & church leaders
Contact: Scott Holly scott.h@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Music Ministry exists to bring glory to God by leading people to His Throne of Grace thru Christ-centered music at our gathered times Sunday & throughout the week.
Set-up and tear-down of the equipment, using musical gifts in gatherings (by audition as needed)
Contact: Doug Troyer doug@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Audio Ministry exists to bring glory to God by facilitating clear environments of worship in song and word.
Set-up and tear-down of the equipment, sound board mixing, lighting, and assisting in sound for video|online production)
Contact: Josh Edwards josh.e@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Video Ministry exists to bring glory to God by using visual resources to share the truth of the gospel.
Set-up and tear-down of the equipment, online viewing, video production, creation and control of weekly projections)
Contact: Mark Abril mark.a@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Facilities Ministry exists to bring glory to God by providing undistracted, clean, functional settings for worship.
Set-up and tear-down of seating, special event environments
Contact: Shawn Simpson shawn.s@crosstrain.church
CrossTrain Safety Ministry exists to reveal the glory of God by providing a safe and peaceful place to worship.
Provide protection during gathered times, awareness training
Contact: Marc McCauslin marc.m@crosstrain.church