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A New Beginning— PRAY!

The year was 2011, our family was traveling for a couple months and we were somewhere in the southeast, maybe Mississippi or Alabama. On long trips like that we had a weekly custom and I was on it, the all important laundry expedition. At that time there were only seven of us in the family, so whoever drew the laundry lottery only had a couple hours of clothes folding fun to look forward to. We intentionally chose our weekly hotel night based on the condition it had a washer/dryer that could be used to do our laundry. I wasn’t so lucky in this state, which meant I was going to a laundromat. I found one online and decided to take Elijah with me. Elijah was 2 1/2 years old at the time with bleach blonde hair and chubby cheeks. I left the rest of the family at the hotel to enjoy some pool time.

As we drove up to the laundromat all I could smell was the fried chicken of the fast food restaurant next door. The oil in the air was so thick we were literally wearing a new cologne by the time we left. This laundromat was a happening place as it looked like the local neighborhood hangout and was full of conversation, smoking, and mid-day drinking. Elijah was helping me unload our huge 6’x3’ stuff sack packed with our dirty clothes from the van. The first thing I noticed was all conversation stopped as we made ourselves part of the neighborhood family for the next three hours. It would be an understatement to say we were out of place, being probably the first white brothers to ever join the neighborhood in its’ daily revelry. Everyone just stared at us in disbelief as I loaded several washer machines with our laundry. I was just guessing they didn’t understand that it was laundry day for the Tutens and this was the only laundry mat in town.

For the next two hours we sat watching the machines do their thing while smiling at all the staring faces. The conversations in the place had been replaced with many whispers. Then the Lord decided to stir things up, changing me forever. The Lord asked me to do the impossible. I felt the prompting in my spirit that I needed to go up to one of the men in the laundry mat to pray for him. At this time in my life I prayed at meals and with my wife, but never for someone else. That would require me to pray out loud in public, and that just was not a possibility in my world. I had a problem though, I had been praying for the Lord to speak to me and now He was speaking. I was at a crossroads. Do I obey the voice of my captain and step way outside my comfort zone or choose to ignore that still small voice?

Well, I walked up to the man God pointed me toward. He was easily 2-3 times my size, covered with tats, holding a lit cigarette and a half empty beer in his hand. I asked him how I could pray for him. I might have been speaking in tongues though, because he just looked at me in complete confusion until I repeated myself a couple times. He was extremely suspicious of my motives, but really how dangerous could I be with no visible weapons and my 2 1/2 foot chubby cheeked side kick. Once he understood I was in earnest, God did the impossible and a miracle took place. He told me a hard story that involved prison, multiple types of addiction, different girlfriends along with his children through them, and a life filled with loneliness just trying to fill the void. I wish I could say that I told him how much Jesus loved him and that I wrapped my arms around him to show I cared. I didn’t do either of those things, all I could do was listen with a caring heart, being present in his pain. After he had finished his story, he was the one who wrapped his arms around me, showing me that he cared and how much this moment meant to him. He also called over his latest girlfriend and one of his kids into our embrace. Elijah joined in the hug to round out our group. Then I prayed for him, over his story and his relationships, covering all in the name of Jesus.

I do not remember that man’s name, and I do not know the path his story traveled once we parted. What I do know is I left a new brother behind as we drove away from the laundry mat that day. I also learned yet again that nothing is impossible if He is the one calling you to the task, but we must be hungry to hear that still small voice and obey, no matter the cost.

The Lord calls His people to pray and the following are opportunities to answer that call. If you can, invite others into what the Lord is doing. Come experience Jesus and allow His love to change everything.

Deliverance & Healing Prayer Nights

CrossTrain Church (21469 N. 78th Ave. Suite #150, Peoria, AZ 85382)

Sunday Nights 630-8p

Do you need healing or are you hurting in any way? Let us cover your need in prayer. Do you have dark corners in your life? Let us shine God’s light on your life through prayer. These nights are for coming before Jesus, asking Him to set the captives free (everyone of us needs freedom from something) and to bring all who are weary and hurting, saints and sinners. Let’s pray!

Praise & Prayer Nights

CrossTrain Church (21469 N. 78th Ave. Suite #150, Peoria, AZ 85382)

Friday April 22 (7-10p)

Friday May 13 (7-10p)

Join us as we praise, pray, and anoint the night to the glory of the Lord.

24 Hour Prayer Sign-up

Spreadsheet signup:

April 1-30

For the month of April, join us by signing up for one or several 30 minute slots to pray. Then during your time, pray wherever you are and through whatever you may be doing. With enough people we can cover the month of April in non-stop prayer. Imagine what our world would look like with non-stop prayer!

Spontaneous Prayer




Pray alone or as a family or ask a stranger how you can enter their story to pray for them.

Now that you have all these different flavors of opportunity to pray, all you have left to do is engage.

To the King! To the Restoration!

Brian Tuten

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