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At CrossTrain Church, we desire that our stewardship of our God given time, talent and treasure makes the most of these resources as we see the day of His return drawing near (Eph 5:15-17; Heb 10:25). We believe wholeheartedly that God is worthy of our “first fruits” and not our “left overs” in our use of His blessings to us (Mark 12:41-44). We know that as a Spirit-filled and maturing follower of Christ, a Christian will desire to give of 
these resources willingly and not under compulsion. Our spiritual service of worship we offer up to our Lord is His, for His Kingdom glory. 


What does the principle of stewardship mean?
A steward oversees the affairs and property of another person. Stewardship shows we outwardly and openly acknowledge that everything we have belongs to God. It expands the concept of giving to serving the body of Christ as well. Being a good steward means we manage our resources of our time, talent & treasure to the glory of God. 


What does the Bible say about money?
The Bible has much to say about money. The Bible contains more than two thousand verses on the subject. The Bible associates our money with our commitment to the Lord. What does the principle of “giving” mean? One of the many ways we can give to others is to give financially. This is often referred to as an offering to the Lord. Through giving, the early church helped one another and invested in what God was  accomplishing. Sadly, the concept of giving has become distorted today.

Giving is an act of worship.

Giving is a spiritual sacrifice and an expression of love and gratitude, because everything we have comes from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). Giving financially demonstrates our mind’s attention and heart’s affection in a tangible way. It also conveys trust. No matter what we give to God, what is left will always sustain us better than if we hadn’t given at all. Giving is a test of our faithfulness.

The way we give indicates a great deal about our spirituality. Our giving reveals our value system. Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). God challenges us to make Him, and not stuff, the focus of our lives.

What are some biblical principles for giving?
In 1 Cor 15–16, Paul gives guidelines for giving: it is to be done from a heart for the Lord (15:58); it is to be a universal practice for believers (v. 16:1); it is to be done regularly (v. 2); it is a personal act (v. 2); it is to be done proportionately (v. 2); it is to be given freely (v.3); it should be done responsibly (v.3). God will meet our needs (2 Cor 9:6-10 & Phil 4:14-19). 

Are there proper and improper motives for giving? 
God promises to bless us if we have the right attitude toward giving (Luke 6:39; Proverbs 3:9-10). However, some people give with the wrong motives. The Bible instructs us to “let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7). God makes a promise to those who give generously to His work. He will “open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Mal 3:10-11). 

What does the principle of tithing mean?
Old Testament law required God’s people to give ten percent, or tithe, of their income. In addition, God’s people were required to give offerings to the Lord for the care of the temple and the salaries of the priests. So, is tithing for today? Technically no, but it has been said that it is unthinkable from the standpoint of the cross that anyone would give less under grace than the Jews gave under law

Where does my money go?
The Leadership of CrossTrain takes very seriously the stewardship of the resources that God brings to our church. We periodically report to the entire church where the money we spend is going. We are happy to discuss this in greater detail.

How do I give [and serve] at CrossTrain?
CrossTrain Church is a Nonprofit Organization, and all money given to the church is tax deductible. You will get an End-of-the-Year Giving Statement for tax purposes. That is the only reason we track giving. Most in leadership do not know who gives financially. We do not conduct pledge campaigns or pass a plate. Donations can be placed in the offering box, mailed to the church’s mailing address, or conducted online.


Serving at CrossTrain is very Spirit-directed as well. We have resources available to help 
you figure out how God has wired you in your gifting and talents, and what ministry 
areas match those skill sets. Click here to find out more on Our Distinctives page.

Further Questions?
If you have additional questions or need more information, please speak to one of 
the leaders of the church, fill out a Connect Card and place it in the Offering Box, or email us at

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