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What's the big deal about God's Word anyway?

We have unhinged ourselves from the reality of absolute truth. And if the church does not reset its anchor, we will go adrift with the rest of the world.

Why is training in God’s truth so mission critical?

It is our clearest source of objective TRUTH!

If grace is the great differentiator

of Christianity, and faith is what brings grace

to fruition in our lives in Christ alone as the object of faith

and instrument of God's grace then...

SCRIPTURE ALONE is where we find these truths.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do. — 2 Timothy 3:16-17

So come be part of a conversation about what is so important about the Word of God!. And let's get trained to teach others the truth!

The church has had times where we have strayed away from God's truth - either by presuming upon His love, or by trying to work for it. That is why by grace alone through faith alonein Christalone according to scripture alone matters so much.

Our Summer in the Solas series is helping us see what the fundamentals for what we believe are and why they matter. And this is growing us as we double-down on being a people TRAINED to TEACH God's Truth.

You can listen to|watch the Messages on our website or on iTunes.

IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel:


We are having an Open House/Prayer Night THIS Sunday 7/25 from 6-7pm. And our FIRST SUNDAY GATHERING WILL BE AUGUST 1ST. Don't miss it! And BE PRAYING that the space would be prepared SPIRITUALLY as we call upon Him to fill it with His presence. AND STAY TUNED FOR HOW YOU CAN HELP.

MUCH love! Let's be sure to get together! Don't let the enemy isolate you. We need to let our souls soak in the POWER we are sensing as we gather as His people.

be sure to tell people about your 'new church...' as a great way to get them invited into Kingdom conversation!

Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28


Live today for what matters FOREVER!

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