What is with the mysterious call of God?
There are few things further from our comprehension than understanding God's effectual call and our propensity for rejecting it. But that doesn't mean we should discount it. Ignore it. Or come up with some man-centered theology that tries to explain it.
This Sunday Doug will continue to unfold the mystery of Romans chapter 9— some of the hardest to understand, but most soul-assuring, passages in all of Scripture.
There is room here to reason and wrestle together over these wonderful and mysterious truths.
We worship a BIG God!
But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” — Romans 9:20
Remember, we are kingdom PEOPLE meant to live
by kingdom POWER for kingdom GLORY.
And the love of Christ controls us!
The amazing Letter of Romans is God's clearest articulation, and Paul's great dissertation, on God's awesome plan of salvation.
Invite others into this walk WITH you through these anchors of the Christian faith by simply telling them to
"Come and see..." what God has to say.
IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel OR ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.
21469 N. 78th Ave. Suite #150
Peoria, AZ 85382
REMEMBER TO MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR OUR ALL CHURCH FRAMILY GET-TOGETHER. This, and the fellowship meal on Sunday morning are a wonderful reminder that we REALLY ARE A FAMILY!
AND we are still sharing our meal together on Sunday! So bring a dish to share!
This series in Romans is shaping our view of ourselves and the world!
Our souls need to be reminded that WE are a people of a THE PROMISE!
Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28
Live today for what matters FOREVER!