They read from the book, from the Law of God, clearly, and they gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading. — Nehemiah 8.8
Why do we put so much emphasis on the Word of God? Because GOD DOES!
We see the culmination of all the Nehemiah was sent by God to accomplish as the Spirit uses the Word to turn the hearts of God's people back to Him!
If we want to see REVIVAL, we better get serious about training people to teach God's truth to other people. True REVIVAL never comes apart from God's Word! And we are more committed to training people in the truth than ever.
What can prayer do? All that God wills!
Please join us at 10am!!!
IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel:
The LORD has answered our prayers and we will be able to stay in our current location until at least the end of MARCH!!!!
And He is making a way for us to enter into a ‘new land’ (space) as soon as we can get it ready for the City of Peoria to allow us to use it. Be in prayer!
MUCH love! I'm excited to walk WITH Him on this new adventure He leads us into.
Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28
Live today for what matters FOREVER!