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Week #6 - Worship & the Word

There are 10 days until Pentecost! Will you add your soul-voice?

And even if you cannot fast, you are more than welcome to join the feast!


Greetings and grace to you Cornerstone FRamily! I am excited to see how the Spirit is going to show up in new ways as we begin to gather again. It has been our specific prayer for the past 5+ weeks since Resurrection Weekend that the Holy Spirit would lead us to a place to gather on May 31st. Although the school district still has no definitive answers for us, God has provided some options for us on May 31st. More details as to WHERE and HOW that gathering will look will be coming soon. Stay tuned to the website and your email for more important updates.

Until then, we want to use this God-orchestrated time to press deeper into our faith-walk WITH Christ. We want to see REVIVAL come to our hearts, our families, and His church we call Cornerstone. May His Holy Spirit stoke the flames of our hearts in the next 10 days that we would be spiritually ready for His powerful presence to show up at our gathering on May 31st. To that end, please consider joining us for Worship & the Word tonight. It is a sweet hour of music and reading through a Psalm around the dinner hour. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR FACE!!!

MUCH love! Miss you!



We will gather via ZOOM each Wednesday evening from 6-7pm

  • We will sing some songs and read through a Psalm together

  • This week is Psalm 27, Today's Daily Reading - He is our stronghold!

  • For those that choose to, we will also be fasting from our dinner meal each Wednesday and that is why we gather from 6-7p

Check your email for the ZOOM Invitation!

This is a way that, even when we are not yet gathering physically, we can GATHER SPIRITUALLY; and TOGETHER, SEEK and SEE His glory.

We are praying you will join us and we press into this space of knowing Him more deeply. Let's come out of this time looking and acting different!

MUCH love!

Doug, Kerry and the girls.

When the day of Pentecost [May 31st this year] had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. — Acts 2:1–2
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