We live in a world in great need of HOPE. And the only true source of HOPE has been given to us in the Good News of the Gospel.
AND we are left here to help people hear where hope is found.
Sunday, June 12th, we will be catapulting into a summer series called “Gospel Conversations— Making Space for God to Work Through You” that will help us engage others with the Good News. We will do this by looking at how Jesus engaged with others in 7 snippets from the gospels over our 7 week study.
AND we want to be encouraged in our training by being in redemptive community together in D-Groups. So reach out to others and to meet for this EXCITING STUDY. Everything you need to participate, or to lead, is provided for you. Just look for the corresponding God Space books and the outline in the lobby. Or download for the Study Guide HERE.
I am BEYOND EXCITED for this study that will grow us in the gospel like few things we have ever done!
MUCH love. Let's never stop talking about that which we've seen and heard. Live letting others see Jesus.
Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28
Live TODAY for what matters FOREVER!