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Let's Build His Kingdom and see Him Come

I am BEYOND EXCITED about our new series in Nehemiah. As He has done throughout last year, the Spirit has led us into a perfectly timed book in God's Word for such a time as this.

Nehemiah lived in a time when fear and fatigue, the lure of the world system, and apathy had caused God's people to lose heart and hope. And they stopped living for the GLORY of the one who gave them life! Sound like any recent time you can think of?

But Jesus told us to PRAY to our Father in Heaven that "His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."

And Jesus told us to build His kingdom by making disciples and planting churches. And when that has happened on earth everywhere, HE WILL COME AGAIN!

So let's learn together from Nehemiah what it takes to build the Kingdom for God's glory as His kingdom people living by His kingdom power in a world that needs to see the King!

Building God’s Kingdom

Then I told them about how the gracious hand of God had been on me, they replied at once, “Yes, let’s rebuild the wall!” So they began the good work.— Nehemiah 2:18

The Book of Nehemiah

Sunday 1.17 — Moved By the Need

Nehemiah 1.1–2.8

Sunday 1.24 — Rallying the Troops

Nehemiah 2.9–20

Sunday 1.31 — Knowing We Are In This Together

Nehemiah 3.1–32

Sunday 2.7 — Facing Opposition Head On

Nehemiah 4.1–23

Sunday 2.14 — Being Marked as a Leader

Nehemiah 5.1–6.19

Sunday 2.21 — Leading Revival

Nehemiah 8.1–8.18

Sunday 2.28 — Responding to Grace

Nehemiah 9.1–10.39 — ANNIVERSARY Sunday

Sunday 3.7 — Staying Faithful Until the End

Nehemiah 11.1-13.31

Building the Kingdom is Disciplemaking Business


If you want to hear WHY how we do D-Groups matters so much find watch my explanation here.

We are letting the Holy Spirit lead people into groups that can look very different. Groups can be — Men | Women | YA | Young Marrieds | Old couples like me and Kerry. :-). You can share or prepare meals together or even do them around a hobby like hiking! THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! All you need is a Bible and a journal and the power of the Holy Spirit to open the spiritual eyes of your heart. We provide the Daily Readings — handout | Bulletin (on the web) | emailed out each morning. Your D-Group will provide the encouragement and accountability you need. And sharing insights with one another will keep you excited to read more. You can even do multiple groups - for example you could be in one with others and with your family and the conversation will be completely different.

All we ask is that the D-Group participants do the following things:

  • Do the Daily Readings then reflect, respond and record it in some way (journal)

  • Be ready to share what the Holy Spirit has shared with you with your group

  • Memorize the passage provided together each week

  • Provide support, encouragement and accountability to one another

  • Consider how you could facilitate a group in the future

If you need help figuring out how to connect to the D-Group, want to lead or host a group, email me at

Imagine with me if you would what it would be like to be a church fully committed to walking TOGETHER with one another IN GOD'S WORD, in PRAYER and in FELLOWSHIP. It would not only change our conversation, but would lead to seeing people converted into Christ-followers. And that's the mission. It is why Jesus saved you. It is what He leaves you here to do.

I love walking WITH Jesus WITH you!

Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28


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