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June 21st Gathering Plans

We are excited by what we see the Holy Spirit doing as we make space for Him.

I am in continual conversation with our leaders and other pastors regarding the recent increase in awareness of the spread of COVID in Arizona and how it may effect our gathering. We are still encouraging those that need to to wear mask and avoid social contact by physically distancing themselves to do so as needed. If we can help in anyway so that you feel more comfortable, please let me know. Your church leadership sees the gathering as an essential activity and you all have done a wonderful job leading with love and extending great grace in this season where ‘right answers’ are hard to come by.

Here I AM! - the gifting of the Holy Spirit

The Spirit has been really redefining our space, getting us out of our comfort zone and out of the way, and helping us meet with Him as we meet together. We have seen Him as:

  • Power within you!

  • Present among you!

  • Proclaimed Through You!

Now we will spend a couple of weeks looking together at how He uniquely and personal works in you SO THAT Jesus might be displayed through you. The question we will discuss together is:

What is the Holy Spirit doing IN YOU?

We will study together 1 Corinthians 12:1—18. It is a wonderful picture of the beauty of the gathered church. Our path through the passage will be:

  • If He has made you a PLACE of worship

  • Then He reveals His POWER through you

  • To enable you to fulfill your PURPOSE in the place He’s put you.

We will have our time of prayer and praise beginning at 10am. I want to encourage you to read through the passage before you come and ask that the Spirit to reveal something to share if you feel led.

PLEASE remember you have complete FREEDOM in Christ to come and go in these spaces; wear masks or not…; hug or not... (How can we help feel free?)

We are still Zooming (check your email for the link) and we are also live-streaming on our YouTube Channel.

Most of all PRAY WITH ME. It feels like the enemy is trying extra hard to get us to head for the hills, hunker down, and WORST OF ALL, to turn on one another. We need UNITY in our togetherness now more than ever! Don’t let Satan’s schemes ruin your witness.

But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. — 1 Corinthians 12:7

MUCH love!



10:00am - Worship in Prayer & Song

(Music and Prayer to expand our hearts for the church, other churches, each other, healing)

10:30am - Calling Passage, Pastoral Prayer, Praise

(Music, Gospel Moment, Body Life, Calling)

11:00am - Teaching/Discussion Time

(Teaching from God’s Word with time to talk at tables)

11:40am - Communion

(Prayer, Music, and the Lord's Table)

11:55am - Sending

(We gather to go out in His power to be His glory-revealers)

12:00pm - Fellowship 

(Place for Bible/Book Study, Prayer, Craft, Games, Bring a lunch)

*All times are approximate - Tear Down at 1:00pm (We could use your help!)

We are ZOOMING LIVE for our services and on YouTube

We are also recording and uploading the Sunday message by early in the week.

Some pictures of where we will gather through June.

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