Walking WITH Jesus and others in His Word...
Starting the end of August and early September, Discipleship Groups will help you develop the daily habits that teach us to live and walk WITH Jesus as you walk with others. And that’s what disciples do. And multiplying disciples is the mission!
There are 2 questions that have helped transform our church culture over the past few years. We have ebbed and flowed in and out of them at times. But because TIME IS SHORT, we need to keep them front and center. Do you know what they are?
How can I pray for you right now?
What has God been speaking to you through His Word?
Are you ready to not only transform our church culture, but the culture around us? Will you commit to engaging in that mission with us? Then let's get D-Groups going!
EVERYONE of us! This is one of the most exciting and encouraging things we can do in our walk! We want everyone to sense the awe that comes from seeing the Holy Spirit illuminate the Word of God in human hearts and then bring us together in collective conversation as only He can.
We believe that everyone should be participating in a D-Group; and should desire to lead a group of their own once they have spent a season in a group. That is the disciple-multiplying process Christ's mission is all about.
HOW DO D-GROUPS FORM? 'Come and see...'
RELATIONALLY! How did the disciples grow in number around Jesus? Here is how. Jesus Himself, and people who had seen Him, said, "Come and see..." So who can you say "Come and see..." to? There's your D-Group.
Groups can be couples, families, men, women, people in the church and not.
Groups can come together due to common interests or hobbies.
Groups can be season of life groups - empty nesters, young adults, young marrieds, our girls and mom's, boys and dad's and young discipleship groups.
Groups can be ________... Think outside the box!
The key is that you are engaged with a group of people walking through the same passages of scripture on your own, and then coming together to discuss what you have seen and heard. Remember how it happened for Jesus and His disciples, "Come and see..."
And here is the beauty of it, in this busy life we all live, you can engage in multiple groups at a time and have no additional prep. This means your personal devotional time with the Lord, your time with your spouse, your family devotions, your involvement with your ministry team, and your D-Group can all be talking through the same Daily Readings and you have no additional prep work. But you will be part of different, dynamic conversations. I know first hand how this can simplify your life! TRUST ME and try it!
Our mission is to 'Train people to teach God's truth in the context of redemptive community.' Well, what is required for us to fulfill that mission?
We must personally be in God's Word.
We must know how to reflect and respond to the truth found God's Word.
We must be in relationship with other people we can share this journey with.
We are clearing away all the other 'voices', all the other resources, all the other stuff that can distract us from the simple beauty of sitting at the feet of Jesus and, by His Spirit in us, hearing from Him in His Word. And we are committing to walking with others along the way. That is disciple-making! And that is the mission He has giving to us in Matthew 28.16–20.
HOW are D-Groups different
This is NOT a Bible Study. This is LETTING the Word study YOU! And letting others into your walk with Jesus.
This is you, your Bible and the Holy Spirit in a conversation that leads you into conversations with others.
This is moving past the simple 'fill in the blank' of a book study and challenging yourself to truly believe what the Word says about itself.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:16–17
We should expect the Word to speak to us!
We are literally in a famine for the Word of God. At a time when there are more online, electronic, and in-print discipleship resources than ever, God's people have all but lost the ability, and the desire, to simply and plainly READ THEIR BIBLES and listen to what it speaks to their souls.
This is where D-Groups help!
The #1 thing a person can do to know God better and look more like Jesus is to spend time daily engaging with Him in His Word. Study after study shows that reading, reflecting and responding to the Word of God will improve every single area of your life now & forever.
You can find out more about D-GROUPS, download the PDF, and learn about all of our Discipleship Resources right here, or by stopping by the Connect Corner in the CrossTrain lobby.