This could be the year you grow more IN Christ than ever before. Are you ready to put in the work? He's worth it!

The TRAINING CENTER will equip you in your walk like nothing else you have ever been a part of— trust me. This May, I finish my fourth and final year of the 94 credit, full-time, in person, Master's of Divinity program at Phoenix Seminary— and the material and methods we employ in the Training Center are honestly better. This is how I first got trained in ministry 15+ years ago and it changed my life and my family forever.
The more of Christ and His Word you get to know, the more in love with Him you will become, the more confident in Christ you will live, and the more equipped for the mission you will be. To that end...
Practical Theology begins Tuesday January 18th and there will be class times from 6-7:30am and 6:30-8pm to accommodate everyone. All who are serious about growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the truth are welcome! The schedule is below and the PDF is attached. If you are interested, email us at
A desire to understand more about the doctrines of Christian faith in a way that helps you practically apply them to disciple making. This is theology taught in a way that helps you understand WHY it matters.
An open mind and heart to learn that we will never fully learn all there is to learn about the things of God— and the grace to let people believe a little differently.
About 2-3 hours per week to prepare for and finalize each session. This is where the learning really takes shape and grows roots. You will come away with a 1-2 bullet point sheet of what you believe the Bible says in each area of focus. This will be useful throughout your discipleship life.
A copy of Wayne Grudem's excellent Systematic Theology (either edition is fine). This is written by one of my local professors and is the most read theology book in the world. Though pricey, it will be a resource you will treasure for years.
It is all about God- and our lives are meant to be lived all FOR GOD.
it will give you greater confidence in WHY you believe what you believe. And this impacts every area of our life and thus our witness.
It will make your Bible knowledge come alive.
It will help your marriage, your family, your ministry for the gospel.
BASICALLY, in addition to the class time on Tuesday morning or evening, you will need about 1-2 hours per week to give bullet-point answers to ‘8-10 Basic Questions’ on each of the theological topics we will enter into.
You can do this as a couple or even a family (children welcome!) How wonderful is THAT!!!
You can find all the answers in Grudem’s book OR I will share some trusted internet resources as well.
You will need about 15-20 minutes to write a ‘Reflection Paper’ on your own.
We could all ‘suffer’ with a little less movie streaming, or sports watching, or social media surfing, or news watching.
Watch Him redeem the time!
