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Do you want to see His kingdom come?

When I heard [of the condition of the hearts of God’s people] I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven. — Nehemiah 1:4

What happens to God’s people when they stop following God’s Word?

Rebellion against what is right

Ruin in their culture

Reasoning to themselves…

Sound familiar? This is the cycle of God's servants through the centuries.

But God always uses a FAITHFUL REMNANT to turn His faithful ones back to Him.

We start Nehemiah this weekend and it will be a POWER-FILLED TIME where we will see...

  • Recommitment of their covenant relationships w/ God and each other

  • Restoration of relationships

  • Renewal of real worship

  • Remembering their role as a light to the world

What can prayer do? All that God wills!

Please join us at 10am!!!


Remember, you can listen to and watch the past Messages on our website or on iTunes.

IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel:


We will NO LONGER BE USING ZOOM for our Sunday streaming!

Our YouTube and Facebook Live feeds have MUCH better quality & are more user-friendly. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

It looks like the LORD has answered our prayers and we will be able to stay in our current location until at least the end of MARCH!!!!

MUCH love! I'm excited to walk WITH Him on this new adventure He leads us into.

Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28


Live today for what matters FOREVER!

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