Do you just want to tell people what you think?
Are you more interested in simply sharing ideas than in hearing hearts?
Do you struggle to help people feel heard?
This week we talked about Listening Well and we looked about how Jesus listened to those He wanted to share with. We shared some practical tools on how to be a better listener to truly communicate.
The series Gospel Conversations and the corresponding God Space study is designed to train our eyes to see the hurting and our hearts to be filled with compassion for the lost Christ came to seek and save! Let's look to listen to others because we have a Savior who loves to listen to us. And let's pray for gospel opportunities, and then let’s step into them to be used by Him for gospel good and Kingdom glory.
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. — John 4:23
We are a people committed to training to teach God's truth.
The BEST way to make that happen is to get God's Word into you as you get into God's Word!
Here are readings to help you do just that this week!
Daily Readings
Sunday’s Teaching — John 4.1–30
Monday – Psalm 84.1–12
Tuesday – James 1.19–27
Wednesday – Psalm 143.1–12
Thursday – Ephesians 1.15–23
Friday – Luke 7.36–50
Saturday – Exodus 3.1–15
Sunday’s Teaching — Luke 24.13–31
OYB – 2 Kings 20.1–21; 2 Chron 32.24–33; Isaiah 24.1–42.25; Psalm 87, 125
Get the short In the Word Today devotional written for each day's reading. The email gets sent out early each morning.
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The Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and some way to record what God reveals to you in your time with Him.
MUCH love. Let's listen well this week!
Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28
Live TODAY for what matters FOREVER!