The Lord said, “Do you have good reason to be angry?” — Jonah 4.4
We are in week 4 on our journey with this reluctant prophet of God and we are just getting to the point of God's story. Join us as we walk through the amazing little Book of Jonah. This week doug looks at the beginning of chapter 4 — Refusing to See and Share the Grace of God.
This is one of the most familiar, but most poorly taught and misunderstood books, of the Old Testament. Come be part of this journey. I promise you will learn something new about what God has for you! If you want to review what this little book is really about, watch this excellent video.
Bring someone with you on this journey with Jesus.

AND come be a part of something you may have never seen before in a Sunday gathering! The Holy Spirit is moving in our midst.
If you cannot yet physically gather, your church is trying to help you stay connected: Check your emial for the ZOOM LINK. And We are also Live-Streaming on our YouTube Channel. Go to the Weekly Resources Page to get all of the above and the Connecting Points, Bulletin, and Kid's Connect. You can also get our D-Group Reading Plan.

It looks like the LORD has answered our prayers and we will be able to stay in our current location until at least the end of OCTOBER!!!!

We are ALL committing to walking with others as we walk with Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew this fall season in what we call D-Groups. Find out more here.

We are having our 10TH Annual All Church Retreat in October! The Lord has provided us a new and BIGGER place. We are almost full! We need to know if you plan to attend ASAP. You can find out more here.
See you tomorrow Lord willing!
MUCH love!
Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28
Live today for what matters FOREVER!