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Do you believe He can?

We have spent weeks listening to Jesus teach us some beautiful truths in His 'Sermon on the Mount'. Now we follow Jesus down the mountain and watch Him interact with the broken and hurting around Him.

He is doing so with a purpose, and that is to prove Himself to be the King of all creation whose coming was promised.

That is what we are going to look at this weekend.

This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.” — Matthew 8:17


Our gatherings are different than most.

Come and see for yourself!

We gather to worship, be encouraged, and be equipped for the kingdom Jesus died to bring to earth.

"Come and see..." Jesus through Prayer, the Word, Communion, and Fellowship— the way Christ is meant to be seen in His church.

And bring someone new who needs to be part of this community.

You can listen to|watch the Messages on our website or on iTunes or Spotify.

IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel OR ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.

21469 N. 78th Ave. Suite #150

Peoria, AZ 85382


I can think of no better encouragement for our souls than to walk with Jesus. What He said and did 2000 years ago is still where we find our hope today.

See you Sunday Lord willing. MUCH love. 


Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28

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21469 N. 78th Ave. Suite #150
Peoria, AZ 85382

(78th Ave. south of Deer Valley)


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