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Family Disciplship

Greetings CrossTrain family! In Matthew 28, Jesus declared his Kingship and rule over all of heaven and all of earth. Immediately then, he gives his citizens their objective, to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” In Family Ministry, our primary objective is to equip parents to do this very thing in the most important mission field they have: their children.

We were happy to come across an excellent, brief podcast (11 minutes) discussing 10 things we should know about family discipleship. We are awfully blessed to have each one of our families at CrossTrain and it’s a joy to hear different ways each family approaches bringing their children up in the Lord. No matter how confident we are in this area, there is always more to learn. We’d encourage everyone to take a listen to this short podcast as couples to see if there aren’t any ideas we can glean to add to our discipleship tool belt. We’d also love to hear from everyone to see what stuck out.

Thank you, church for your faithfulness and diligence in raising children to fear and love our God and Savior. Be confident that it is not by your strength that you toil, but it is the Holy Spirit in you moving you to complete these good these God has prepared in advance. We pray that “all your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children” Isaiah 54:13. We love you, CrossTrain family!

Until next time, may God richly bless you by the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ!

In Christ,

Adam and Audra Griffin

Family Ministries

P.S. Of all the names in all the world the speaker of this podcast could have, he happens to be named Adam Griffin. Apparently there are two of them in this world involved in family ministry!

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