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Coach's Corner with Jeff

Hello CrossTrain Family! This is the first in what will be an ongoing blog from the Elders called, "Coach's Corner." Your Elders represent the structure that the truth of God's organized pathway to increase fellowship with Him and one another can be carried out. It is a heavy, joyful calling and I want you to hear from me that truth. I am SO GRATEFUL for the opportunity to be in so many of your lives, and encouraged to embrace serving the living God on His mission to expose as many as possible to the purpose for why we were created.

With that in mind, I want to encourage us all as we are in the start of our D-Groups this month. "D-Groups" stand for Discipleship Groups, and at CrossTrain Church it is our PASSION to train people to teach God's Truth in the context of redemptive community. These groups are where the daily readings given each morning on the website at, through Facebook, or delivered to your inbox through the In The Word Today, will be chewed on, discussed, and applied as we all walk worthy together chasing intimacy with God in His Word.

It really does change everything! I experienced this firsthand and made a short video to explain what happened. Please take a few minutes to watch. And then watch how God ignites His Word in your life as we all D-Group together!

Life is short - Train hard!

Elder Jeff

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