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It's more than a belief. It's a way of life! 


Are you connected to Christ? That is our heart's desire. This is because we know our God is a God who longs for relationship with His children. And He is the One who has made that relationship possible through His Son Jesus Christ. That is the good news of the Gospel!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s story from beginning to end. It is the good news of God’s redemption of fallen man through the person and work of Jesus Christ. This Good News [what the word Gospel means] is recorded from beginning to end in the book we call the Bible. It is God’s story of His unfolding redemptive plan to reconcile His children to Himself. This good news, that because Jesus died for our sins, rose again, and is victorious over all the enemies of man, assures those that believe in it that they are no longer separated from God. The gospel isn’t just the good news that our debt has been paid and we have been ransomed from Hell. It is the power that allows us to live victoriously today. We don’t simply accept the gospel and move on with life waiting for our eternity. The real gospel power is that we are changed by Christ and live in His power as His very Spirit invades our lives. But, to understand the Good News, we must first understand that we are all sinners in need of this gospel – both for its power to live godly now and the victory to live forever with our Lord.

Are you already a follower of Jesus? Then He desires for you to get connected to others. There is no room in scripture for the disconnected Christian. If you do not already have a faith family, we would love to help you discover if Cornerstone Church is the right place for you to Be in Community with other believers. Please take some time to get to know us by reviewing what we believe and how we desire to do ministry by looking over the information on our website. But don’t stop there. To really discover whether Cornerstone Church is a community where you can fit in, be fed, and be fruitful, you need to spend some time getting to know us! We truly hope you will do that as you consider whether Cornerstone is where God might have you “be equipped to live distinctly different and engaging lives” as we live out the gospel in the NW Valley.


We were created to BE in community. This is how God grows us best. Relationships are often the most powerful instruments in the Redeemers hands to conform us into the image of Jesus. Cornerstone Church is a relational body of believers so we desire that EVERYONE who calls Cornerstone their FRamily be in intentional, growing relationships with other members of the FRamily AND/OR those who are disconnected from Christ or His church. Because Jesus redefined the family (Matthew 12:47-50), we strongly believe that the FRamily is a critical part of God's redemptive model for the world. Because of this, we have many formal and informal groups that meet throughout the year. These include Core Groups that meet for bi-weekly bible study, Elective Groups that meet bi-weekly around an area of common interest of season of life, and even Summer Small Groups. 


We don't grow in order to share, we share and He grows us. If you know enough to believe the gospel, you know enough to share the gospel with others! And, living and speaking out the good news of the gospel is what God leaves us here to do. Jesus commanded: "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15)  Cornerstone Church is partnering with YOU to do just that!

Opportunities to Engage:

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Our Partners:

CLFCR New Life Church

Cornerstone Church is partnering with Christian Light Foundation of Costa Rica to work to share the gospel, make disciples and build up local churches throughout Costa Rica and Nicaragua.  Thousands of kids are fed each month at the feeding center, feeding both their physical and spiritual needs. Time is spent memorizing scripture, which they then share with their families at home. Check them out on Facebook: Christian Light Foundation Costa Rica or on the web at

A proud member of

The Gospel Coalition

Partnering with

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