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What's so special about Cornerstone Church?

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Multigenerational Faithfulness Model
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At Cornerstone, we believe that the “family” is God’s primary redemptive plan for His children and
value those things that promote family. We believe very strongly that it is God’s call on parents to
shepherd and equip their children as they walk this “walk of faith” together. It is the God-given role of the parent to disciple their children. It is also a mandate in scripture [Deut 6:4-9; Eph 6:1-4]. The church is to come alongside parents and provide resources and opportunities to help foster that.


How does Multigenerational Faithfulness display itself at Cornerstone?
At Cornerstone, we want to demonstrate this priority in our philosophy by developing programs that strengthen families, not fragment them, as we promote entering into God's mission as a family. This means we will endeavor to have children and adults together as much as possible to foster the Biblical principles found in 2 Tim 1-2 and Titus 2.

For example, on Sundays we offer excellent Child Care for ages Nursery through preschool age.
These age ranges are only guidelines. Children of any age are always welcome in corporate worship! We strongly believe that the best place for children is next to their parents, and that parents are the best judge of when and how this might fit best for their individual children.
This philosophy of ministry is also why we have structured our Growth Group [both Core and
Elective] opportunities the way we have. By design, we do not offer traditional age-segregated
Children’s Ministry, Junior High Ministry, and High School Ministry. We also try to avoid using set,
arbitrary age limits for participation in certain groups. These common approaches are “extra-
biblical” and often diminish the role parents play in the spiritual development of their children. Any Elective Groups we offer are designed to be multigenerational [within reason], just as our Sunday Worship is.

How do I know where and how my children fit in?
Because multigenerational faithfulness is the philosophy of Cornerstone Church, if a child is mature enough to participate in a “multigenerational growth group,” they should be old enough to be part of our “multigenerational corporate worship” and vice-versa. And in any setting, their parent should be active participants with their children as they help them mature in their faith.
How can I learn more about how to shepherd my family toward this model?


First, talk to one of the Elders or their wives (for the ladies) and let them know about your desire to learn more about this. They have a heart to see people grow in this area and will have information about upcoming opportunities to help you develop in this arena. If you have not been through the Parent Commissioning material yet, fill out a Connect Card or email the church and let us know you are interested in it.


What are some basic suggestions to help my children participate in Multigenerational Faithfulness?

1. Be prepared and excited about Sunday!
Be excited for church. If you are reluctant, they will be too. If you are critical of the sermon or
the music, they will be too. To make Sunday easier, wake up earlier so you can get ready and
then help them get ready. Remember, Sunday morning starts on Saturday night. Lay out
everything you need on Saturday night. Keep Sunday morning simple! Make a simple breakfast
and leave the house with time to spare. Also, be sure to remind your child what your
expectations are of his/her behavior during the service.

2. Talk through the service before it starts.
Read the passage during the week. Talk about what you are learning on Sundays throughout the
week. Implementing family worship together at home [a time to read, sing, pray] will help them
get used to it on Sunday.


3. Encourage your child to participate and to focus on God.
By teaching your child songs and choruses at home, they will be better able to participate in the
service. Encourage your child to sit and stand at the appropriate times, to clap when
appropriate, etc. Start early; it is easier to introduce a 5 year old to corporate worship than a 12
year old. Teach them early that worship is about God, not about them.

4. Help your child become an active listener.
Help your child focus on the sermon by quietly whispering instructions, - i.e. “Listen to this
story,” or “Can you draw a picture of…?” As your child gets older and learns to write, model
them on how to take simple notes. The Kid’s Connect is a great resource. Grab one for yourself
so you can assist them. Use transition moments in the service to engage your child.

5. Stretch your young child’s ability to sit attentively.
Sit near the front to help them not be distracted. If you have an active child, you may need to
work on sitting still at home. Using a short time each day for sitting quietly and reading books
can be very helpful in training young children to use self-control and increase focusing skills.

6. Talk about the service on the way home and/or at lunch.
Affirm your children. If they were well behaved, let them know how wonderful it was to
worship alongside them. Speak positively with your child about the service, and ask if they
have any questions. Encourage your child to share their drawings, notes and what was learned.
Discuss what you learned as well. Consider using the sermon passage as a source for family
devotions during the week.

Why are we “going to all this trouble” about Multigenerational Faithfulness?
We understand that this concept is not a doctrine in the Bible but a philosophy of ministry that flows from our priorities. We also never want to forget that the desired outcome isn’t to have well behaved kids who can sit through a service. It is about discipling children to lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is about helping the next generation understand that life isn’t about them but about Him (Ps 78). Multigenerational faithfulness is about fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) as we make disciples in the parent-to- child model that was God’s plan from the beginning (Gen 1:28). Our war isn’t against flesh and blood (Eph 6:12). But make no mistake! It is a war for the souls of our children. That makes it worth all the trouble in the world.

Further Questions?
If you have additional questions or need more information please speak to one of the leaders of the church, fill out a Connect Card and place it in the Offering Box, or email us at

Getting into the Word & the Word into you!

The daily DISCIPLINE of being in God’s Word is perhaps the most important thing a disciple of Christ can practice if he or she truly wishes to follow hard after God and mature as a Follower of Christ. We all HAVE the time – we each get 24 hours a day or 168 hours a week. The only question is, will we MAKE the time? If you spend 15 minutes a day reading and responding to the Word of God, you will have “sacrificed” just 1% of your time but be well on your way to developing a LIFE CHANGING DISCIPLINE essential to being a true Follower of Christ! The Word of God is the FOUNDATION of all that we believe in. It contains EVERYTHING we need to live in godliness. Whether it is knowing Him more completely, loving Him more deeply, growing in maturity, becoming a better husband, wife, father, mother, disciple, servant-leader, or model of Jesus, “We cannot succeed apart from the Word of God because the Word of God reveals the God of the Word.” – C. H. Spurgeon


Some basic truths to remember about THE Truth:

  • Jesus is the Word [Jn 1:1,14].

  • The Gospel is the message of the Bible [1 Cor 15:3-4].


  • His Word changes us [Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16].


  • There is a promise of blessing associated with getting into the Word & the Word getting into you [Psalm 1:1-3, Josh 1:8].


Some basic suggestions to make the most of your time:


  • Have a PLAN – come up with a reading plan that will help guide your daily readingo Psalm/Proverb a day, Chronological Bible, a chapter a day in the OT & NT, etc. aresome suggestions [see below as well]


  • Have a PLACE – set a time and a place where you can focus you mind and heart and associate it with your quiet time. Early is usually better than later.


  • Start SLOW – set yourself up to be successful. Don’t start off with too high an expectation.Ten to fifteen minutes is a great place to start if you currently are at zero.


  • Get HELP – use a resource to help bring the Word alive [Study Bibles, With the WordCommentary, W. Wiersbe, a mentor to help you get started, etc.].


Some basic ideas for your reading time:


  • For general reading, there are many reading plans available online for free. You can read through the Bible in a year, two years, chronologically, topically, or any number of ways. If you wish to do this, find one that fits you.

  • At Cornerstone we have seen great life transforming success in what we refer to as “keeping the Sunday conversation going” throughout the week. We provide “Daily Readings” on the connecting Points sermon outline, online on the Message Page of our website, our Facebook Page, and you can have them emailed to you daily as well. These “Daily Readings” correspond to the Sunday message each week and are designed to help you remember and take what you’ve heard and give it a personal application. They help keep the God-centered conversation going in your life, your home, our Growth Groups, and your person walk with God. We call this practice “Reading and Responding To the Word of God” and you can learn more about this on the back side of this handout. Reading and Responding to the Word of God “God spoke, and is speaking!” – A.W. Tozer


Some essentials to spending time in God’s Word:
If we truly believe the Word to be living and active, we should expect it to speak to us.


  • Ask God to give you a hunger for His Word.

  • Ask God to open your eyes and ears to His truth.

  • Read the section of the Word you have scheduled expecting it to speak to you.

  • Choose the verse(s) that spoke to you in the section you read that day.

  • Ask 3 simple questions as you meditate on those verses: [see below for more detail]

    • What does the verse say?

    • What does the verse mean?

    • How does the verse apply?

  • Respond to what the Lord has spoken to you that day by recording it in your journal, through prayer, or sharing it with someone who will be blessed in hearing it. [see below]

Recording your time in God’s Word:

[Follow the format below. You’ll want to get a journal]

Verse(s) Selected
From your day’s reading, write down the verse or group of verses [no more than 3] which
spoke to you most in a personal way in the passage you read. It/they should be what really
jumped out to you in your reading. The verses should speak to a message, theme, conviction or
impression of what God is saying to you.

Digging Deeper… [this is optional]

  • If you desire to dig deeper into the text, ask WHAT DOES IT SAY? [OBSERVATION]

    • ​The following questions might help:

  • What is the CONTEXT it is written in? Who wrote it? Who is the audience? What was the purpose in writing it?

  • What are the KEY WORDS in the passage? Use a bible dictionary or lexicon to help you define them.


    • To see if you fully understand the passage, do the following:

  • Write out the verse(s) in your own words as if you were explaining to someone what the meaning of the passage truly is. [Not what we want it to say, but what it actually means.]

  • Title [for your response to the passage]

  • Although sometimes difficult, developing a title presses us and stretches us to really chew on the meaning and application of the Word in our lives. It should summarize what the chapter or section you read means to you and will often flow out of the verses you were most impacted by. It should summarize the theme or thought that hit you in your quiet time. Don’t skip it! Response: [Application, Conviction, Action]

  • As you read and re-read the verse(s) you selected, ask God to challenge your heart in a personal way. As God reveals these to you, write down your thoughts, feelings, and other verses that come to mind. Make these final thoughts about the application PERSONAL.[What will you DO with the truth of what God spoke?]


Questions that can help formulate your response:

  • Is there a sin I need to avoid, confess, or make right?

  • Is there a promise God makes here I can claim for me?

  • What examples are there here for me to [or not to] follow?

  • Are there any commands I need to obey?

  • Is there any knowledge I received about God I need to grow in?

  • How can I live out what God has shared with me?


At Cornerstone, we celebrate communion almost every Sunday. It is an especially sweet time for us individually and collectively to remember, reflect, and pray together as we celebrate that our debt has been canceled and our sins forgiven by the Sacrificial Lamb of God.

What is Communion?
Communion, often called “The Lord’s Supper,” is a memorial in which Christians identify with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and proclaim His death until His return (see 1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:20-26). It’s a time for believers to remember that the Lord gave His body and shed His blood for His sheep (see Luke 22:19-20).

How did Communion get started?
Jesus Christ instituted Communion on the eve of His death when He ate the Passover meal with His disciples (see Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

What is the meaning and symbolism of Communion?
The bread symbolizes Christ’s life lived as a model to follow and given as a ransom for many, ultimately beaten and battered for us as He died for the sins we have committed. The juice symbolizes His blood which was shed for us as He paid for our sins (see John 10:17-18; Ephesians 1:7; Romans 5:8-9) and has always been part of the atonement for sin (Leviticus 17:11).

What are the essentials for observing Communion?
Anyone who has placed his or her faith in the Lord Jesus can and should participate in communion. In addition to being believers, we must prepare our hearts to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Paul instructed believers not to “eat this bread or drink this cup in an unworthy manner…” (1 Corinthians 11:27) Lastly, we must examine our lives for any unconfessed sin. Paul reminds us, “Let a man examine himself” (1 Corinthians 11:28) and confess our sins (see 1 John 1:9). We may then participate in the Lord’s Supper in a worthy manner that allows for the sweet fellowship with Him that Communion celebrates.

Can children participate in Communion?
The Bible does not specify how old a person should be before celebrating Communion. If a child understands and believes in the Gospel, he or she can partake of the elements. Jesus invited children into His presence regularly (Matt 19:14). We strongly encourage parents to use the time that they are gathered at the Lord’s Table to gather as a family and pray, even if each child does not yet fully participate in communion. It is a great opportunity to discuss God’s plan of salvation with your children. Ultimately, it is the call of the parents, who we believe God calls to be their shepherds, how to best honor communion as a family.


What is the past significance of Communion?
Communion is a time to look back, remembering the Lord’s death on the cross. His death was more than just an atoning death—it was a substitutional death. The cross of Christ was a transaction, not an offer (John 19:30). Christ died in our place so that we might live. He took our sins upon Himself so that we can receive His righteousness (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). He canceled the debt and nailed our sin to His cross (Col. 2:14).

What is the present significance of Communion?
Communion is a time to look within, considering our lives in light of our profession of faith. As we enter into Communion, we are to thank Him for our salvation and the privilege of being His child. We are to proclaim His death on our behalf and look with anticipation for His return.

How is Communion celebrated at Cornerstone?
We celebrate Communion almost every Sunday as part of our worship to our Lord. It is a time to respond to the message from God’s Word and reflect on the grace of our God. Usually an Elder and his wife will hold the bread and the cup of juice as individuals and families come forward and are prayed for. The bread is dipped in the juice and each person partakes individually.

Why do we celebrate Communion this way?
We do not believe there is something “super spiritual” about those serving Communion. It is a privilege for the Elders who shepherd our flock to be allowed this opportunity to pray for and with those in our church both individually and as families. If there are specific prayer needs, hurts, or concerns, this is a sweet time to gather with the leadership of the church and lift those up to our Lord.

Further Questions?
If you have additional questions, need more information, or are not sure that you are
truly a follower of Christ, please speak to one of the leaders of the church, fill out a
Connect Card and place it in the Offering Box, or email us at

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