Well, here we are. TWENTY WEEKS into our walk with Jesus through the Old Testament and we are coming to the end of the story. But is it? The end? NO! It was just the beginning of God's story of redemption and restoration. This final week we see what restoration and renewal will look like! Don't miss these readings!
Here are this week’s readings:
Daily Readings
Daniel 10
Joel 2
Micah 6–7
Zechariah 4, 14
Nehemiah 1–2
John 20–21 (Or use as a day to catch up)
Sunday’s Teaching — 1 Peter 5.1–7
Here are GREAT RESOURCES to help make sense of the story:
Be sure you are getting the short In the Word Today devotional I write for each day's reading. The email gets sent out early each morning. The sign up form is on the bottom of the home page of our website. These not only share a little insight the Holy Spirit gave to me on how this reading connects to God's story, but they serve as a model of the READ - REFLECT - RESPOND format we want you to follow to make the most of our disciple making time.
I have also added a REVIEW Discussion Question for every day that will help start conversation about that day's reading.
Summer Small Groups are starting up the middle of June. Check the NEWS PAGE of our website to see what is being offered. And new offerings will be added as the summer moves along.
Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28