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THE fundamental issue of our day

How do we know God exists?

Is it even reasonable to believe in God in a world seemingly ruled by science?

What are the arguments for the existence of God?

These, and many other questions will get answered this coming weekend at CrossTrain Church.

If you are a skeptic or even a cynic, we'd love for you to join our discussion.

If you are doubting why you believe what you have claimed to believe, we want to help you be assured in your faith.

If you are confident in your belief in God, we want to equip you to help others in your world find that confidence in Christ.

This time talking about "What Christians Believe" is for you. We are a safe place to ask questions and get answers.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.” — Genesis 1.26a

Our gatherings are different than any church you've been to. And this time looking at the questions the world is asking will be more different still.

"Come and see..." what God has to say.

And bring someone new who needs to be part of this conversation.

You can listen to|watch the Messages on our website or on iTunes or Spotify.

IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel OR ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.

21469 N. 78th Ave. Suite #150

Peoria, AZ 85382


God is not playing hide and seek. And we have the privilege of making Him known.


Let's live to make MUCH of Him!

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