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Summer Book Studies Are Here!

Our church is so blessed to have people who have had a consistent hunger to press into God's Word and get deeper in relationships with other people. This past year has led to frustrated expectations, undue restrictions, and a moratorium on meeting together.

But God...

The Lord has moved on the hearts of the people in the body and two summer book studies are going to be offered this year as we transition into (as Abby Troyer said) "our own home." The church is facilitating both a Men's and Women's study through two John MacArthur books - 12 Ordinary Men and 12 Extraordinary Women. Both studies will begin on Saturday June 12th and we have made arrangements to be able to meet at the C3 cafeteria where we are currently meeting for Sunday's service time. We will be meeting every Saturday until we finish the books!

Men: 6a-7a Women: 8a-9a

YES this is early! YES it is a commitment! YES you could be "sleeping in"!

But the richness of the glory of God is found through relationships with the "one anothers", and not in an extra 60 minutes of sleep. We are committed to helping Train people to Teach God's Truth, and I am personally encouraging every one of you to jump on board! These groups will begin to train us to be ready to learn how to gather together well outside of Sundays, and will encourage and strengthen the relationships to engage in the mission of Christ. Don't be left behind!

Ordinary people can and will be used by God to complete His purpose. This look at the calling of the Apostles and how they lived their lives will be broken down to show where God wants to use YOU in your life as well!

First meeting reading: Introduction

Need More Info? Contact Jeff Daukas at:

CLICK HERE for the Amazon link to this book.

In a compelling character study, twelve specific women are profiled. Each one was called and remained faithful to God's one redemptive plan to both usher in and live for the life of Jesus. See how His purpose through these women can be made known in your daily walk!

First meeting reading: Preface and Introduction

Need More Info? Contact Brandy Daukas at

CLICK HERE for the Amazon link to this book.

We desire to be a body of believers that NEVER rests content with doing what we have always done, but rather pushes into the hard situations, the tough relationships, and the knowledge and intimacy of the Word of God. Join us on this journey!!

---Jeff Daukas, Elder

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